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Table of Contents and Extra Worksheets 

CHAIN Links Program to Strike Out Anxiety in 13 Links

13 Hearts above represent the 13 Links in the CHAIN Links Program to Strike Out Anxiety

Table of Contents

Take a look at the table of contents to see what is included in this concise yet comprehensive collection of things you can learn and do to reduce anxiety in your life. This is not just a book that you read -- it is something that you live and do for 13 weeks!

Positive Affirmations Chart

This Chart is used during Link 1 of the program - Getting to Know and Love Yourself

Acupressure Tapping

In Link 10 you learn about tapping and applying gentle pressure on certain points on your face and body to release the flow of blocked energy and calm the emotional center of your brain.

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills

In Link 6 you learn problem-solving skills and use this worksheet to evaluate the pros and cons of alternative solutions

Triggers, Beliefs, Thoughts, etc.

This worksheet is used during Link 4 to raise awareness and identify triggers that activate negative beliefs and their associated thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, actions, and outcomes.

Microbiome Health Plan

In Link 12 you learn about self-care. You are experiencing rapid growth in body and brain, and eating nutritious foods helps fuel the growth.

Fear Hierarchy and Gradual Exposure Plan

In Link 7 you learn about the neurobiology of fear and how to do safe exposure experiments to lower anxiety

Protective Factors Chart

In Link 5 you learn about protective factors and how you can use and strengthen them to lower anxiety and improve overall wellbeing

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